Getting your car inspected regularly is a good idea as it helps detect any issues with your vehicle before they become serious. If you wait too long, then minor issues can become major repairs. So come in for an inspection and get your car checked today. If you just need something like an oil change or tune-up, we can do those for you also. We have a very exhaustive list of services that we offer.
We offer a wide variety of repair services for you at our auto shop in Rancho Santa Margarita. We are a NAPA AutoCare Center with ASE-Certified Master Technicians. Our services include tune ups, batteries, radiators, engine light, transmission, brakes and a lot more. So call us at (949) 709-8007 or schedule an appointment today for help.

Routine maintenance is important to keep your car in good condition. Do not wait too long before serious problems develop. If you need service, schedule an appointment or contact us today.

Auto Services and Maintenance

Cabin Air Filter
This filter is used to clean the air that passes through and circulates in your vehicle. As you drive, air from the outside enters your vehicles and the filter cleans it. This is part of the ventilation system in your car. When you use the air conditioning or heater, the filter is responsible for keeping that air clear. That is why replacing the cabin air filter is necessary as it gets dirty over time. Dirty filters restrict air flow and place strain on your AC and heater.

Differential Maintenance
When you turn your car, the differential is able to control the speed at which your wheels are turning. This allows you to turn a lot more slowly when making wide turns or even U-turns. The differential handles this so that you can turn safely at slower speeds. The fluid used in differentials should be checked every 25,000 to 50,000 miles. There are different types of differentials used in cars.

Cooling System Maintenance
The cooling system is designed to regulate the temperature of your vehicle’s engine and transmission. The temperature should be around 160°F and 220°F. Coolant is a liquid inside your cooling system to keep those parts of the car from overheating. Any cracks or worn seals will cause leaks in the system requiring maintenance. In order to keep your coolant running well, we will flush out the old coolant and replace it with fresh coolant.

Engine Maintenance
There are several parts of your car that should be checked for engine maintenance. There are three filters, oil, air and fuel. These filters are important to have a clean intake system and cylinder chambers. Other important parts for a good running engine are the fuel injectors/carburetor, spark plugs and sensors. These are a lot of parts for the engine so make sure that they are all working properly.

Oil Change Service
You should change your oil around every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. If you are using a synthetic oil, you might be able to do it every 7,000 miles. A synthetic oil will last longer and is cleaner than a conventional oil. Our oil change services include oil and filter, along with a safety inspection from an ASE Certified Master Technician. We also top off all fluids, adjust tire pressures and do brake inspection.

Transmission Maintenance
The transmission shifts gears in your car so that you can move it around. Have your transmission checked at the industry standard 24,000 miles. Make sure that you run these checks at the recommended intervals to avoid larger problems later. The cooling system not only cools down your engine but the hard work that your transmission does as well. Your engine and transmission work together so make sure that your engine is working properly also.

Valve Cover Replacement
The valve cover is part of the head gasket in your engine. Some reasons why you need a new valve cover are leaking or low engine oil, the smell of burning oil and the engine is misfiring. The repair for a new valve cover involves replacing the old cover, cleaning the surface, adding a new cover and then checking for leaks. Once there are no more leaks, then repair is finished. Our ASE certified mechanics can help with a valve cover replacement.

Wheel Bearing Replacement
When you drive, your steering wheel should turn your wheels smoothly and responsively. If you start to feel that your wheels are not turning as well with you steer, then you might need your wheel bearing checked. You should check your wheel bearings every two years. We have Qualified Certified Technicians who can help you. If your steering wheel is shaky then you should come in and have it looked at.
Additional Services

24-Hour Towing
We provide 24-hour towing service near you around the Rancho Santa Margarita area. When your car breaks down and you need help, let us know. We will get your car towed here and repaired. With our 24-hour towing service, you will not be left alone stranded. We will respond quickly to your request.

Brake & Lamp Inspection
It is important to pass the California Brake and Lamp Inspection as part of keeping your car safe to drive. Brakes are important to be able to stop on a dime. Lamps provide light to see at night. So bring your vehicle here to make sure that it passes this inspection. We will make sure that your car passes and is safe to drive.

Headlight Restoration Service
Remember when you just got your brand new car and the headlights were bright, shiny and clear? You could see and drive safely at night. When your headlights become yellow, the light shining through them is not as bright anymore. We will take the yellow off your headlights and provide a new layer of UV coating. We can get your yellow headlights back to crystal clear.

STAR Certified Smog Check Test & Repair Station
The DMV requires a smog check as part of vehicle renewal registration. They are usually a quick process that takes 30 minutes or less. We will not only do a smog check test, but also repair if needed. Make sure that you do your smog check and respond to the DMV right away. Come bring your car here and we will help you take care of your smog check.
Do You Need Help With Your Car?
If you are having problems with your vehicle, come down to Bobby Grich Auto Repair and get your car checked. We have several ways for you to contact us. Please choose what works best for you.
Call us today at (949) 709-8007
If you need to talk to us, call us today. We will get the help that you need so that your car is taken care of.
Setup an appointment
Tell us what we can do for you and let us know when you want to come in. We will schedule an appointment with you so we can take a look at your vehicle. This is the recommend method of contact because it helps us prepare for your visit.
Receive a free quote
Give your vehicle information and what you need a quote for. We will send you a quote and any other information that will help you know more about the repair and services that might need.
Get directions
Come down to Rancho Santa Margarita for auto repair and service. We will take a look at what your car needs. We provide services for the surrounding area which includes Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and more.