
Locations We Service

Manufacturers We Service

Vehicles We Service

Auto Repair

Auto Service and Maintenance

Locations and Manfacturers

Locations and Repair

Locations and Vehicle Type

Locations and Service and Maintanence

Manufacturers and Repair

Manufacturers and Service

Vehicle Repairs

Vehicle Services and Maintenance

Locations, Manfacturers and Repairs

Locations, Manfacturers and Services and Maintenance

Locations Vehicle Repair

Locations Vehicle Service and Maintenance

Do You Need Help With Your Car?

If you are having problems with your vehicle, come down to Bobby Grich Auto Repair and get your car checked. We have several ways for you to contact us. Please choose what works best for you.

Call us today at (949) 709-8007

If you need to talk to us, call us today. We will get the help that you need so that your car is taken care of.

Setup an appointment

Tell us what we can do for you and let us know when you want to come in. We will schedule an appointment with you so we can take a look at your vehicle. This is the recommend method of contact because it helps us prepare for your visit.

Receive a free quote

Give your vehicle information and what you need a quote for. We will send you a quote and any other information that will help you know more about the repair and services that might need.

Get directions

Come down to Rancho Santa Margarita for auto repair and service. We will take a look at what your car needs. We provide services for the surrounding area which includes Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and more.